Невилл, Фил. Невилл фил википедия

Невилл, Фил - это... Что такое Невилл, Фил?

Фи́лип Джон Не́вилл (англ. Philip John Neville; родился 21 января 1977 года в Бери, Большой Манчестер, Англия), более известный как Фил Не́вилл (англ. Phil Neville) — английский футболист, капитан футбольного клуба «Эвертон», бывший игрок сборной Англии и исполняющий обязанности главного тренера молодёжной сборной Англии по футболу.

Его брат, Гари Невилл, был капитаном «Манчестер Юнайтед», а сестра-близнец Трейси Невилл выступает за сборную Англии по нетболу.


Фил Невилл 6 раз выигрывал АПЛ, 3 раза Кубок Англии и один раз Лигу чемпионов УЕФА со своим первым клубом «Манчестер Юнайтед». Невилл может играть как в защите, так и в полузащите, и часто играет на позиции флангового защитника.

Вместе со своим братом Гари Невиллом Фил является выпускником академии «Манчестер Юнайтед». Он дебютировал в 1994 году, а всего в составе манкунианцев провёл 11 лет, сыграв около 400 матчей, завоёвывал чемпионство, побеждал в Лиге Чемпионов.

В 2005 году Невилл присоединился к клубу «Эвертон», который заплатил за футболиста 3,5 миллиона фунтов. Первый матч защитника в новой команде состоялся против... «Манчестер Юнайтед». Через год Невилл стал капитаном «Эвертона». На его счету более 250 матчей в составе «ирисок».

В сборной Англии Невилл дебютировал в 1996 году. Он попадал в заявки на Евро-96, 2000 и 2004, но ни разу не ездил на чемпионат мира. В 2000 году в матче Англия – Румыния фол Невилла в собственной штрафной площадке привёл к пенальти, после которого англичане вылетели с чемпионата Европы. Всего за национальную команду защитник провёл 59 матчей.


Флаг Англии Манчестер Юнайтед

Статистика выступлений

Клубная карьера
Клуб Сезон Лига Кубки[1] Еврокубки[2] Прочие[3] Итого Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы 3 0 34 0 24 0 42 1 44 1 43 0 38 1 38 2 43 2 43 1 34 0 Итого 263 5 48 1 65 2 10 0 386 8 43 0 38 1 50 2 47 0 29 0 35 1
36 1 15 0 Итого 237 4 38 1 18 0 0 0 293 5 Всего за карьеру 500 9 86 2 83 2 10 0 679 13
Манчестер Юнайтед 1994/95 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1995/96 24 0 9 0 1 0 0 0
1996/97 18 0 1 0 4 0 1 0
1997/98 30 1 4 0 7 0 1
1998/99 28 0 9 0 6 1 1 0
1999/00 29 0 0 0 9 0 5 0
2000/01 29 1 3 0 6 0 0 0
2001/02 28 2 3 0 7 0 0 0
2002/03 25 1 6 1
0 0 0
2003/04 31 0 4 0 7 1 1 0
2004/05 19 0 8 0 6 0 1 0
Эвертон 2005/06 34 0 5 0 4 0 0 0
2006/07 35 1 3 0 0 0 0
2007/08 37 2 5 0 8 0 0 0
2008/09 37 0 8 0 2 0 0 0
2009/10 23 0 2 0 4 0 0 0
2010/11 31 1 4 0 0 0 0 0
2011/12 27 0 9 1 0 0 0 0
2012/13 13 0 2 0 0 0 0 0

(откорректировано по состоянию на 26 декабря 2012)




Фил Невилл - Википедия

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с фамилией Невилл.

Фи́лип Джон Не́вилл (англ. Philip John Neville; родился 21 января 1977 года в Бери, Большой Манчестер, Англия), более известный как Фил Не́вилл (англ. Phil Neville) — английский футболист и футбольный тренер. Выступал за сборную Англии, участник трёх чемпионатов Европы. Его брат, Гари Невилл, был капитаном «Манчестер Юнайтед», а сестра-близнец Трейси Невилл выступала за сборную Англии по нетболу.

Биография[ | ]

Клубная карьера[ | ]

Фил Невилл 6 раз выигрывал Премьер-лигу, 3 раза Кубок Англии и один раз Лигу чемпионов УЕФА со своим первым клубом «Манчестер Юнайтед». Невилл мог сыграть как в защите, так и в полузащите, и часто выступал на позиции флангового защитника.

Вместе со своим братом, Гари, Фил является выпускником академии «Манчестер Юнайтед». Его дебют в основном составе клуба состоялся в 1994 году. Всего в составе «красных дьяволов» Фил провёл 386 матчей и забил 8 голов.

В 2005 году Невилл присоединился к клубу «Эвертон», который заплатил за футболиста 3,5 миллиона фунтов. Первый матч защитника в новой команде состоялся против «Манчестер Юнайтед». Через год Невилл стал капитаном команды. Всего в составе «ирисок» провёл 303 матча. После окончания контракта с клубом из Ливерпуля Невилл объявил о завершении карьеры футболиста[1].

Карьера в сборной[ | ]

В сборной Англии Невилл дебютировал в 1996 году. Он попадал в заявки на Евро-96, 2000 и 2004, но ни разу не участвовал в чемпионатах мира. В 2000 году в матче Англия — Румыния фол Невилла в собственной штрафной площадке привёл к пенальти, после которого англичане вылетели с чемпионата Европы. Всего за национальную команду защитник провёл 59 матчей.

Тренерская карьера[ | ]

Будучи капитаном «Эвертона», Фил Невилл заявил, что намерен стать тренером после завершения карьеры игрока[2]. Ещё до окончания сезона 2012/13 он начал исполнять обязанности тренера молодёжной сборной Англии при подготовке команды к отборочному матчу чемпионата Европы[3]. В итоге он вошёл в тренерский штаб молодёжной сборной Англии, принимавшей участие в чемпионате Европы 2013 в Израиле[4].

Летом 2013 года, покинув «Эвертон» в качестве свободного агента, вошёл в тренерский штаб нового главного тренера «Манчестер Юнайтед» Дэвида Мойеса, под руководством которого выступал в «Эвертоне». Таким образом, Фил Невилл вернулся в клуб, за который выступал на профессиональном уровне с 1994 по 2005 год[5].

Достижения[ | ]

Флаг Англии

Манчестер Юнайтед

Флаг Англии Сборная Англии

Статистика выступлений[ | ]

Клубная карьера Клуб Сезон Лига Кубки[6] Еврокубки[7] Прочие[8] Итого Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы
3 0 34 0 24 0 42 1 44 1
43 0 38 1 38 2 43 2 43 1
34 0 Итого 263 5 48 1 65 2 10 0 386 8 43 0 38 1 50 2 47 0 29 0 35 1 36 1 25 0 Итого 242 4 43 1 18 0 0 0 303 5 Всего за карьеру 505 9 91 2 83 2 10 0 689 13
Манчестер Юнайтед 1994/95 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1995/96 24 0 9 0 1 0 0 0
1996/97 18 0 1 0 4 0 1 0
1997/98 30 1 4 0 7 0 1 0
1998/99 28 0 9 0 6 1 1 0
1999/00 29 0 0 0 9 0 5 0
2000/01 29 1 3 0 6 0 0 0
2001/02 28 2 3 0 7 0 0 0
2002/03 25 1 6 1 12 0 0 0
2003/04 31 0 4 0 7 1 1 0
2004/05 19 0 8 0 6 0 1 0
Эвертон 2005/06 34 0 5 0 4 0 0 0
2006/07 35 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
2007/08 37 2 5 0 8 0 0 0
2008/09 37 0
0 2 0 0 0
2009/10 23 0 2 0 4 0 0 0
2010/11 31 1 4 0 0 0 0 0
2011/12 27 0 9 1 0 0 0 0
2012/13 18 0 7 0 0 0 0 0

(откорректировано по состоянию на 9 марта 2013)

Примечания[ | ]

Ссылки[ | ]


Невилл, Фил - Википедия

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

В Википедии есть статьи о других людях с фамилией Невилл.

Фи́лип Джон Не́вилл (англ. Philip John Neville; родился 21 января 1977 года в Бери, Большой Манчестер, Англия), более известный как Фил Не́вилл (англ. Phil Neville) — английский футболист и футбольный тренер. Выступал за сборную Англии, участник трёх чемпионатов Европы. Его брат, Гари Невилл, был капитаном «Манчестер Юнайтед», а сестра-близнец Трейси Невилл выступала за сборную Англии по нетболу.

Биография[ | ]

Клубная карьера[ | ]

Фил Невилл 6 раз выигрывал Премьер-лигу, 3 раза Кубок Англии и один раз Лигу чемпионов УЕФА со своим первым клубом «Манчестер Юнайтед». Невилл мог сыграть как в защите, так и в полузащите, и часто выступал на позиции флангового защитника.

Вместе со своим братом, Гари, Фил является выпускником академии «Манчестер Юнайтед». Его дебют в основном составе клуба состоялся в 1994 году. Всего в составе «красных дьяволов» Фил провёл 386 матчей и забил 8 голов.

В 2005 году Невилл присоединился к клубу «Эвертон», который заплатил за футболиста 3,5 миллиона фунтов. Первый матч защитника в новой команде состоялся против «Манчестер Юнайтед». Через год Невилл стал капитаном команды. Всего в составе «ирисок» провёл 303 матча. После окончания контракта с клубом из Ливерпуля Невилл объявил о завершении карьеры футболиста[1].

Карьера в сборной[ | ]

В сборной Англии Невилл дебютировал в 1996 году. Он попадал в заявки на Евро-96, 2000 и 2004, но ни разу не участвовал в чемпионатах мира. В 2000 году в матче Англия — Румыния фол Невилла в собственной штрафной площадке привёл к пенальти, после которого англичане вылетели с чемпионата Европы. Всего за национальную команду защитник провёл 59 матчей.

Тренерская карьера[ | ]

Будучи капитаном «Эвертона», Фил Невилл заявил, что намерен стать тренером после завершения карьеры игрока[2]. Ещё до окончания сезона 2012/13 он начал исполнять обязанности тренера молодёжной сборной Англии при подготовке команды к отборочному матчу чемпионата Европы[3]. В итоге он вошёл в тренерский штаб молодёжной сборной Англии, принимавшей участие в чемпионате Европы 2013 в Израиле[4].

Летом 2013 года, покинув «Эвертон» в качестве свободного агента, вошёл в тренерский штаб нового главного тренера «Манчестер Юнайтед» Дэвида Мойеса, под руководством которого выступал в «Эвертоне». Таким образом, Фил Невилл вернулся в клуб, за который выступал на профессиональном уровне с 1994 по 2005 год[5].

Достижения[ | ]

Флаг Англии Манчестер Юнайтед

Флаг Англии Сборная Англии

Статистика выступлений[ | ]

Клубная карьера Клуб Сезон Лига Кубки[6] Еврокубки[7] Прочие[8] Итого Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы Игры Голы 3 0 34 0 24 0 42 1 44 1 43 0 38 1 38 2 43 2 43 1 34 0 Итого 263 5 48 1 65 2 10 0 386 8 43 0 38 1 50 2 47 0 29 0 35 1 36 1 25 0 Итого 242 4 43 1 18 0 0 0 303 5 Всего за карьеру 505 9 91 2 83 2 10 0 689 13
Манчестер Юнайтед 1994/95 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
1995/96 24 0 9 0 1 0 0 0
1996/97 18 0 1 0 4 0 1 0
1997/98 30 1 4 0 7 0 1 0
1998/99 28 0 9 0 6 1 1 0
1999/00 29 0 0 0 9 0 5 0
2000/01 29 1 3 0 6 0 0 0
2001/02 28 2 3 0 7 0 0 0
2002/03 25 1 6 1 12 0 0 0
2003/04 31 0 4 0 7 1 1 0
2004/05 19 0 8 0 6 0 1 0
Эвертон 2005/06 34 0 5 0 4 0 0 0
2006/07 35 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
2007/08 37 2 5 0 8 0 0 0
2008/09 37 0 8 0 2 0 0 0
2009/10 23 0 2 0 4 0 0 0
2010/11 31 1 4 0 0 0 0 0
2011/12 27 0 9 1 0 0 0 0
2012/13 18 0 7 0 0 0 0 0

(откорректировано по состоянию на 9 марта 2013)

Примечания[ | ]

Ссылки[ | ]


Невилл, Фил - WikiVisually

1. Бери – Bury is a town in Greater Manchester, England, on the River Irwell. It lies 5.5 miles east of Bolton,5.9 miles west-southwest of Rochdale and 7.9 miles north-northwest of Manchester, Bury is the largest settlement and administrative centre of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury, with an estimated population in 2015 of 78,723. The borough of Bury has a population of 187,474 as of 2011 Historically part of Lancashire. Bury is known for its open-air Bury Market and the local dish. The Manchester Metrolink tram system terminates in the town, Bury resident Sir Robert Peel was a British Prime Minister who founded the Metropolitan Police and Conservative Party. The Peel Memorial stands outside Bury parish church and the Peel Monument stands on Holcombe Hill in Ramsbottom, the name Bury comes from an Old English word, meaning castle, stronghold or fort, an early form of modern English borough. Bury was formed around the ancient market place but there is evidence of activity dating back to the period of Roman occupation, Bury Museum has a Roman urn containing a number of small bronze coins dated for AD 253–282 and found north of what is now the town centre. Under Agricola the road–building programme included a route from the fort at Manchester to the fort at Ribchester which ran through Radcliffe, the modern Watling Street, which serves the Seddons Farm estate on the west side of town, follows the approximate line of the Roman road. The most imposing building in the town would have been Bury Castle. The castle was built in 1469 by Sir Thomas Pilkington, lord of the manors of Pilkington and Bury, and it sat in a good defensive position on high ground overlooking the Irwell Valley. At that time, the Pilkingtons had been lords of Bury for nearly a century, the Pilkington family suffered badly in the Wars of the Roses when, despite geography, they supported the House of York. When Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, Thomas Pilkington was captured, the outcome of the battle was the Lancastrian Duke of Richmond being crowned Henry VII by Sir William Stanley. As a reward for the support of his family, Thomas Stanley was created Earl of Derby and, amongst other lands, the ancestral home of the Earls of Derby is Knowsley Hall on the outskirts of Liverpool. The family maintains a connection with Bury in various ways—the Derby High School is named after them, when the school opened in 1959 the 18th Earl of Derby was patron and the schools badge is based on the Earls coat of arms. The 15th and 16th Earls were both supporters of Bury Grammar School, both financially and in terms of land, and one of the houses is named Derby in their honour. The town was home to the Derby Hall and the Derby Hotel. For many years the remains were buried beneath the streets outside the Castle Armoury. From time to time, it was the subject of archaeological excavations and these established that there was an earlier manor house on the site

2. Англия – England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west, the Irish Sea lies northwest of England and the Celtic Sea lies to the southwest. England is separated from continental Europe by the North Sea to the east, the country covers five-eighths of the island of Great Britain in its centre and south, and includes over 100 smaller islands such as the Isles of Scilly, and the Isle of Wight. England became a state in the 10th century, and since the Age of Discovery. The Industrial Revolution began in 18th-century England, transforming its society into the worlds first industrialised nation, Englands terrain mostly comprises low hills and plains, especially in central and southern England. However, there are uplands in the north and in the southwest, the capital is London, which is the largest metropolitan area in both the United Kingdom and the European Union. In 1801, Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland through another Act of Union to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1922 the Irish Free State seceded from the United Kingdom, leading to the latter being renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the name England is derived from the Old English name Englaland, which means land of the Angles. The Angles were one of the Germanic tribes that settled in Great Britain during the Early Middle Ages, the Angles came from the Angeln peninsula in the Bay of Kiel area of the Baltic Sea. The earliest recorded use of the term, as Engla londe, is in the ninth century translation into Old English of Bedes Ecclesiastical History of the English People. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, its spelling was first used in 1538. The earliest attested reference to the Angles occurs in the 1st-century work by Tacitus, Germania, the etymology of the tribal name itself is disputed by scholars, it has been suggested that it derives from the shape of the Angeln peninsula, an angular shape. An alternative name for England is Albion, the name Albion originally referred to the entire island of Great Britain. The nominally earliest record of the name appears in the Aristotelian Corpus, specifically the 4th century BC De Mundo, in it are two very large islands called Britannia, these are Albion and Ierne. But modern scholarly consensus ascribes De Mundo not to Aristotle but to Pseudo-Aristotle, the word Albion or insula Albionum has two possible origins. Albion is now applied to England in a poetic capacity. Another romantic name for England is Loegria, related to the Welsh word for England, Lloegr, the earliest known evidence of human presence in the area now known as England was that of Homo antecessor, dating to approximately 780,000 years ago. The oldest proto-human bones discovered in England date from 500,000 years ago, Modern humans are known to have inhabited the area during the Upper Paleolithic period, though permanent settlements were only established within the last 6,000 years

3. Защитник (футбол) – In the sport of association football, a defender is an outfield player whose primary role is to prevent the opposing team from scoring goals. There are four types of defenders, centre-back, sweeper, full-back, the centre-back and full-back positions are essential in most modern formations. The sweeper and wing-back roles are more specialised for certain formations, a centre-back defends in the area directly in front of the goal, and tries to prevent opposing players, particularly centre-forwards, from scoring. Centre-backs accomplish this by blocking shots, tackling, intercepting passes, contesting headers, with the ball, centre-backs are generally expected to make long and pinpoint passes to their teammates, or to kick unaimed long balls down the field. For example, a clearance is a long unaimed kick intended to move the ball as far as possible from the defenders goal, during normal play, centre-backs are unlikely to score goals. In this case, other defenders or midfielders will temporarily move into the centre-back positions, in the modern game, most teams employ two or three centre-backs in front of the goalkeeper. The 4–2–3–1, 4–3–3, and 4–4–2 formations all use two centre-backs, the sweeper is a more versatile centre-back who sweeps up the ball if an opponent manages to breach the defensive line. This position is more fluid than that of other defenders who man-mark their designated opponents. Because of this, it is referred to as libero. For example, the system of play, used in Italian football in the 1960s. The more modern libero possesses the qualities of the typical libero while being able to expose the opposition during counterattacks. The Fundell-libero has become popular in recent time with the sweeper transitioning to the most advanced forward in an attack. This variation on the position requires great pace and fitness, while rarely seen in professional football, the position has been extensively used in lower leagues. Modern libero sit behind centre-backs as a sweeper before charging through the team to join in the attack, some sweepers move forward and distribute the ball up-field, while others intercept passes and get the ball off the opposition without needing to hurl themselves into tackles. If the sweeper does move up the field to distribute the ball, they will need to make a speedy recovery, in modern football, its usage has been fairly restricted, with few clubs in the biggest leagues using the position. Though it is used in modern football, it remains a highly respected. A recent and successful use of the sweeper was made by Otto Rehhagel, Greeces manager, Rehhagel utilized Traianos Dellas as Greeces sweeper to great success, as Greece surprisingly became European champions. The full-backs take up the wide positions and traditionally stayed in defence at all times

4. Полузащитник (футбол) – A midfielder is an association football position. Midfielders are generally positioned on the field between their teams defenders and forwards, some midfielders play a disciplined defensive role, breaking up attacks, and are otherwise known as defensive midfielders. Others blur the boundaries, being mobile and efficient in passing, they are commonly referred to as deep-lying midfielders, play-makers, box-to-box. The number of midfielders on a team and their assigned roles depends on the teams formation, most managers assign at least one midfielder to disrupt the opposing teams attacks, while others may be tasked with creating goals, or have equal responsibilities between attack and defence. Midfielders are the players who typically travel the greatest distance during a match, central or centre midfielders are players whose role is divided roughly equally between attack and defence. When the opposing team has the ball, a midfielder may drop back to protect the goal or move forward. The 4–3–3 and 4–5–1 formations each use three central midfielders, the 4−4−2 formation may use two central midfielders, and in the 4–2–3–1 formation one of the two deeper midfielders may be a central midfielder. The term box-to-box midfielder refers to central midfielders who have abilities and are skilled at both defending and attacking. These players can track back to their own box to make tackles and block shots. A good box-to-box midfielder needs good passing, vision, control, stamina, tackling and marking in defence, left and right midfielders have a role balanced between attack and defence, similar to that of central midfielders, but they are positioned closer to the touchlines of the pitch. They may be asked to cross the ball into the penalty area to make scoring chances for their teammates. Common modern formations that include left and right midfielders are the 4−4−2, the 4−4−1−1, the 4–2–3–1, a notable example of a right midfielder is David Beckham. Defensive midfielders are players who focus on protecting their teams goal. These players may defend a zone in front of their teams defence, defensive midfielders may also move to the full-back or centre-back positions if those players move forward to join in an attack. Sergio Busquets described his attitude, The coach knows that I am an obedient player who likes to help out and if I have to run to the wing to cover someones position, great. A good defensive midfielder needs good positional awareness, anticipation of play, marking, tackling, interceptions, passing and great stamina. A holding or deep-lying midfielder stays close to their teams defence, a player in this role will try to protect their goal by disrupting the opponents attacking moves and stopping long shots on the goal. The holding midfielder may also have responsibilities when their team has the ball and this player will make mostly short and simple passes to more attacking members of their team but may try some more difficult passes depending on the teams strategy

5. Женская сборная Англии по футболу – The England womens national football team represents England in international womens association football at the senior level. The team has been governed by the Football Association since 1993, England played its first international match in November 1972 against Scotland. England has qualified for the FIFA Womens World Cup four times and they reached the final of the UEFA Womens Championship in 1984 and 2009. The success of the national football team at the 1966 FIFA World Cup led to an upsurge of interest in football from women within England. The Womens Football Association was established a few years later in 1969 as an attempt to organise the womens game and that same year, Harry Batt formed an independent English team that competed in the Fédération Internationale Européenne de Football Féminine European Cup. Batts team also participated in two FIEFF World Cups held in Italy and Mexico, following an UEFA recommendation in 1972 for national associations to incorporate the womens game, the Football Association rescinded its fifty-year ban on women playing on Football League grounds. Shortly after, Eric Worthington was tasked by the WFA to assemble a womens national team. England competed in its first international match against Scotland in Greenock on 18 November 1972, the team overturned a two-goal deficit to defeat their northern opponents by 3 goals to 2, with Sylvia Gore scoring Englands first international goal. Tom Tranter replaced Worthington as long term manager of the national football team. Martin Reagan was appointed to replace Tranter in 1979, England reached the finals of the inaugural European Competition for Womens Football, after beating Denmark 3–1 on aggregate in the semi-finals. England lost the subsequent penalty shootout 4–3, theresa Wiseman saved Helen Johanssons penalty but both Curl and Lorraine Hanson had their spot kicks saved by Elisabeth Leidinge. At the 1987 European Competition for Womens Football, England again reached the semi-finals but lost 3–2 after extra time against holders Sweden, the team settled for fourth, after losing the third place play off against Italy 2–1. Reagan was sacked after Englands 6–1 quarter-final loss against Germany at the 1991 UEFA Womens Championship, john Bilton was appointed as head coach in 1991 after Barrie Williamss brief tenure. In 1993, the FA took over the running of football in England from the WFA. England managed to qualify for the 1995 UEFA Womens Championship, having missed out on the last three editions, but were beaten 6–2 on aggregate over two legs against Germany. Reaching the European semi-finals granted England a place at the World Cup for the first time, the team advanced from the group stages of the 1995 FIFA Womens World Cup in Sweden, but lost out again to Germany 3–0 in the quarter-finals. Hope Powell became the teams first full-time head coach in June 1998, the European Championship expanded in 1997 to eight teams and moved from a biennial event to a quadrennial one. England qualified via the play offs for the 2001 competition held in Germany, despite recording their biggest loss during qualification, England automatically qualified as hosts in 2005, but again did not make it to the semi-finals

6. Манчестер Юнайтед – Manchester United Football Club is a professional football club based in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester, England, that competes in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. Nicknamed the Red Devils, the club was founded as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878, changed its name to Manchester United in 1902 and moved to its current stadium, Old Trafford, in 1910. Manchester United have won a record 20 League Titles, a joint-record 12 FA Cups,5 League Cups, the club has also won three European Cups, one UEFA Cup Winners Cup, one UEFA Super Cup, one Intercontinental Cup and one FIFA Club World Cup. In 1998–99, the became the first in the history of English football to achieve the treble of the Premier League, the FA Cup. The 1958 Munich air disaster claimed the lives of eight players, in 1968, under the management of Matt Busby, Manchester United became the first English football club to win the European Cup. Alex Ferguson won 38 trophies, including 13 Premier League titles,5 FA Cups and 2 UEFA Champions Leagues, José Mourinho is the clubs current manager, having been appointed on 27 May 2016. As of June 2015, it is the worlds most valuable football brand and it is one of the most widely supported football teams in the world. In August 2012, Manchester United made a public offering on the New York Stock Exchange. The club holds several rivalries, most notably with Liverpool, Manchester City and Leeds United, Manchester United was formed in 1878 as Newton Heath LYR Football Club by the Carriage and Wagon department of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway depot at Newton Heath. By 1888, the club had become a member of The Combination. Following the leagues dissolution after only one season, Newton Heath joined the newly formed Football Alliance and this resulted in the club starting the 1892–93 season in the First Division, by which time it had become independent of the railway company and dropped the LYR from its name. After two seasons, the club was relegated to the Second Division, in January 1902, with debts of £2,670 – equivalent to £260,000 in 2017 – the club was served with a winding-up order. The following season began with victory in the first ever Charity Shield, Manchester United won the First Division for the second time in 1911, but at the end of the following season, Mangnall left the club to join Manchester City. In 1922, three years after the resumption of football following the First World War, the club was relegated to the Second Division, relegated again in 1931, Manchester United became a yo-yo club, achieving its all-time lowest position of 20th place in the Second Division in 1934. Gibson, who, in December 1931, invested £2,000, in the 1938–39 season, the last year of football before the Second World War, the club finished 14th in the First Division. Busby led the team to second-place league finishes in 1947,1948 and 1949, in 1952, the club won the First Division, its first league title for 41 years. With an average age of 22, the title winning side of 1956 were labelled the Busby Babes by the media. In 1957, Manchester United became the first English team to compete in the European Cup, despite objections from The Football League, who had denied Chelsea the same opportunity the previous season

7. Эвертон (футбольный клуб) – Everton F. C. /ˈɛvərtən/ is a football club in Liverpool, England, that currently competes in the Premier League, the top flight of English football. The club have competed in the top division for a record 114 seasons and won the League Championship nine times, formed in 1878, Everton were founding members of The Football League in 1888 and won their first League Championship two seasons later. The mid-1980s represented their most recent period of sustained success, with two League Championships, an FA Cup, and the 1985 European Cup Winners Cup, the clubs most recent major trophy was the 1995 FA Cup. The clubs supporters are known as Evertonians, Everton have a rivalry with neighbours Liverpool, and the two sides contest the Merseyside derby. The club have been based at Goodison Park in Walton, Liverpool, since 1892, the clubs home colours are royal blue shirts with white shorts and socks. Everton were founded as St Domingos in 1878 so that people from the parish of St Domingos Methodist Church Everton could play year round — cricket was played in summer. The clubs first game was a 1–0 victory over Everton Church Club, the club was renamed Everton in November 1879 after the local area, as people outside the parish wished to participate. The club was a member of the Football League in 1888–89. Everton won the FA Cup for the first time in 1906, the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 interrupted the football programme while Everton were champions, which was something that would again occur in 1939. It was not until 1927 that Evertons first sustained period of success began, in 1925 the club signed Dixie Dean from Tranmere Rovers. In 1927–28, Dean set the record for league goals in a single season with 60 goals in 39 league games. He helped Everton win their third League Championship that season, however, Everton were relegated to the Second Division two years later during internal turmoil at the club. The club quickly rebounded and was promoted at the first attempt, on return to the top flight in 1931–32, Everton wasted no time in reaffirming their status and won a fourth League Championship at the first opportunity. Everton also won their second FA Cup in 1933 with a 3–0 win against Manchester City in the final, the era ended in 1938–39 with a fifth League Championship. Everton were relegated for the time in 1950–51 and did not earn promotion until 1953–54. The club have been a top-flight presence ever since, Evertons second successful era started when Harry Catterick was made manager in 1961. In 1962–63, his season in charge, Everton won the League Championship. In 1966 the club won the FA Cup with a 3–2 win over Sheffield Wednesday, Everton again reached the final in 1968, but this time were unable to overcome West Bromwich Albion at Wembley

8. Молодёжная сборная Англии по футболу – Englands national Under-21 football team, also known as England Under-21s or England U21, is considered to be the feeder team for the England national football team. It is also possible to play for one country at youth level, the U-21 team came into existence, following the realignment of UEFAs youth competitions, in 1976. A goalless draw in a friendly against Wales at Wolves Molineux Stadium was England U21s first result, England U21s do not have a permanent home. They play in stadia dotted all around England, in an attempt to encourage fans in all areas of the country to get behind England. Because of the lower compared to the senior national team. The match was one of the required two ramp up events the stadium hosted in order to gain its safety certificate in time for its full-capacity opening for the 2007 FA Cup Final in May. The original and most successful coach is Dave Sexton, who led the U21s from 1977 to 1990, in this period he combined his duties with managing the top-flight clubs Manchester United and Coventry City. After Coventry he took a position within the FA as their first Technical Director and he handed over U21 responsibilities to England manager Graham Taylors assistant Lawrie McMenemy for three years before resuming control from 1994 to 1996. Peter Taylor took over in 1996 and, although never winning a tournament, Howard Wilkinson took over afterwards, yet could only produce four wins in ten competitive matches and quit after a year and a half in charge. David Platt took charge upon his departure from Nottingham Forest, Platt was U21 boss from 2001 to 2004, but had little success before Taylors return. Taylor left in January 2007, as the national manager Steve McClaren wanted the U21s to have a full-time manager. Taylor, at the time, was combining his duties with his role as Crystal Palace boss, on 1 February 2007, Manchester City manager Stuart Pearce was appointed as head coach on a part-time basis until after the European Championships in the summer of 2007. Nigel Pearson, Newcastle Uniteds assistant manager, agreed to become Pearces assistant and their first match in charge was a 2–2 draw against Spain on 6 February 2007 at Derby Countys Pride Park Stadium. For the match against Italy Nigel Pearson took charge as Stuart Pearce had club commitments, Pearce was dismissed as Manchester City manager on 14 May 2007, before the 2007 European Championships, but on 19 July 2007 he was named full-time U21s coach. He remained in the post until June 2013, when it was announced that his contract would not be renewed, former England international Gareth Southgate was made manager of the under-21 team on 22 August. In September 2016, Southgate was appointed to the position of caretaker manager of the England senior side after the departure of Sam Allardyce. With Southgate overseeing the main team for four games, Aidy Boothroyd, as a European U21 team, England compete for the European Championship, with the finals every odd-numbered year, formerly even-numbered years. There is no Under-21 World Cup, although there is an Under-20 World Cup, for the first six European Under-21 Football Championships, England did well, getting knocked out in the semi-finals on four occasions and winning the competition in 1982 and 1984

9. Сборная Англии по футболу – The England national football team represents England in international football and is controlled by The Football Association, the governing body for football in England. England are one of the two oldest national teams in football, alongside Scotland, whom played in the worlds first international football match in 1872. Englands home ground is Wembley Stadium, London, and the current manager is Gareth Southgate, England contest the FIFA World Cup and UEFA European Championship, which alternate biennially. In contesting for the World Cup seventeen times over the past sixty four years, England won the 1966 World Cup, when they hosted the finals, the England national football team is the joint-oldest in the world, it was formed at the same time as Scotland. A representative match between England and Scotland was played on 5 March 1870, having been organised by the Football Association, a return fixture was organised by representatives of Scottish football teams on 30 November 1872. Over the next forty years, England played exclusively with the other three Home Nations—Scotland, Wales and Ireland—in the British Home Championship, to begin with, England had no permanent home stadium. They joined FIFA in 1906 and played their first ever games against countries other than the Home Nations on a tour of Central Europe in 1908, Wembley Stadium was opened in 1923 and became their home ground. The relationship between England and FIFA became strained, and this resulted in their departure from FIFA in 1928 and their first ever defeat on home soil to a foreign team was a 0–2 loss to the Republic of Ireland, on 21 September 1949 at Goodison Park. A 6–3 loss in 1953 to Hungary, was their defeat by a foreign team at Wembley. In the return match in Budapest, Hungary won 7–1 and this still stands as Englands worst ever defeat. After the game, a bewildered Syd Owen said, it was like playing men from outer space, in the 1954 FIFA World Cup, England reached the quarter-finals for the first time, and lost 4–2 to reigning champions Uruguay. Although Walter Winterbottom was appointed as Englands first ever manager in 1946. In UEFA Euro 1968, the reached the semi-finals for the first time. England qualified for the 1970 FIFA World Cup in Mexico as reigning champions, and reached the quarter-finals, England had been 2–0 up, but were eventually beaten 3–2 after extra time. They failed in qualification for the 1974, leading to Ramseys dismissal, under Ron Greenwood, they managed to qualify for the 1982 FIFA World Cup in Spain, despite not losing a game, they were eliminated in the second group stage. Despite losing to Italy in the third place play-off, the members of the England team were given bronze medals identical to the Italians’, the England team of 1990 were welcomed home as heroes and thousands of people lined the streets, for a spectacular open-top bus parade. However, the team did not win any matches in UEFA Euro 1992, drawing with tournament winners Denmark, the 1990s saw four England managers, each in the role for a relatively brief period. Graham Taylor was Robsons successor, but resigned after England failed to qualify for the 1994 FIFA World Cup, at UEFA Euro 1996, held in England, Terry Venables led England, equalling their best performance at a European Championship, reaching the semi-finals as they did in 1968


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