Фото фил колсон
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Кларк Грегг: «Я как ворчливый дядюшка Мстителей»
В рамках промокампании фильма «Доверься мне» Кларк Грегг ответил на вопросы поклонников о роли Фила Колсона, новых блокбастерах студии Marvel и сериале «Агенты Щ.И.Т.» (Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.).
Кто Ваш любимый герой в команде Мстителей?
В детстве я был поклонником Тони Старка. Мне всегда нравилось, что у него, в отличие от многих супергероев, есть ряд недостатков. Когда я вижу Криса Эванса в образе Стива Роджерса, то начинаю, вслед за Колсоном, испытывать трепет перед Капитаном Америка. Я люблю всех Мстителей, потому что считаю себя кем-то вроде ворчливого дядюшки, который вынужден заниматься их воспитанием. Сложно назвать фаворита, но если приходится выбирать, то я назову Наташу Романофф.
Появится ли Колсон в «Стражах Галактики»?
Не уверен. Порой мне приходится дожидаться финальных титров, чтобы иметь возможность сказать наверняка, участвовал ли я в новом проекте студии Marvel.
Удалось ли Филу получить автограф Стива Роджерса?
Отличный вопрос. На вашем месте я бы обязательно посмотрел второй сезон «Агентов Щ.И.Т.».
Если бы решали Вы сами, то кто бы стал первыми тремя людьми, к которым Колсон обратится за помощью в восстановлении организации Щ.И.Т.?
Брюс Бэннер, Питер Куилл и Дженнифер Лоуренс.
Есть ли у Вас любопытные истории о съемках «Агентов Щ.И.Т.»?
Конечно. Когда Мин-На не уверена в следующей фразе, она переходит на какой-то вымышленный язык, представляющий собой странную смесь китайского и английского. Уверен, что в дополнительных материалах на Blu-ray зрители смогут увидеть то, как мы катаемся по полу от смеха, пытаясь понять смысл этих загадочных фраз.
За развитием отношений каких героев Marvel Вам интереснее всего наблюдать?
В «Мстителях» было несколько эмоциональных сцен между Клинтом Бартоном и Наташей Романофф. Но лично я бы хотел, чтобы Халк нашел наконец какую-нибудь милую зеленую девушку.
Есть ли у Фила шанс поднять молот Тора?
Раньше я бы сказал, что это невозможно, но теперь в его венах течет магическая кровь. Не думаю, что Мьельнир станет проблемой для Колсона.
Как Вы отнеслись к тому, что Колсон стал героем комиксов?
Я был в полном восторге от этой новости, потому что с детских лет люблю графические новеллы Marvel. Мне навсегда запомнился тот день, когда мне доставили первый выпуск с участием Фила Колсона, и я увидел свое лицо на страницах комикса.
Есть ли у Вас экшен-фигурки Колсона?
У меня их две. Одну фигурку я собираюсь хранить нераспакованной, а вторая находится у меня в кабинете. Нет ничего плохого в том, чтобы иногда впадать в детство.
Какие фильмы Вам нравятся?
«Крестный отец», «Пролетая над гнездом кукушки», «Звездные войны». Одним из моих любимых фильмов стал «Бегущий по лезвию», удививший меня не только глубиной развития персонажей, но и сюжетом.
Пригодились ли Вам навыки шпиона в реальной жизни?
Однажды мы с моей дочерью ходили выпрашивать сладости на Хэллоуин. По пути нам встретились мальчишки, наряженные в Тора и Железного человека. Пришлось остановить их голосом Колсона, чтобы попросить у них конфет. Думаю, они так до сих пор и стоят на той лужайке...
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Agent Phil Coulson фото on Fanpop
Coulson in "Failed Experiments"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Singularity"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Team"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Spacetime"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Parting Shot"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Bouncing Back"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Bouncing Back"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Bouncing Back"submitted by iceprincess7492
Happy Birthday Phil Coulson!submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Closure"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Closure"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Closure"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Devils Ты Know"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Devils Ты Know"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Purpose in the Machine"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Purpose in the Machine"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Purpose in the Machine"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Laws of Nature"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Season 3 - Promo Stillssubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Season 3 - Promo Stillssubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Season 3 - Promo Stillssubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Phil Coulson - Season 3submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Postersubmitted by iceprincess7492
Happy Birthday Coulson!submitted by iceprincess7492
Iron Man 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Iron Man 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
☆ Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
☆ Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Fitzsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Fitzsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Fitzsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Simmons ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Simmons ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulson фото on Fanpop
Coulson in "Failed Experiments"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Singularity"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Team"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Spacetime"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Parting Shot"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Inside Man"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Bouncing Back"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Bouncing Back"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Bouncing Back"submitted by iceprincess7492
Happy Birthday Phil Coulson!submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Closure"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Closure"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Closure"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Many Heads One Tale"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Devils Ты Know"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson in "Devils Ты Know"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Purpose in the Machine"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Purpose in the Machine"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Purpose in the Machine"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "Laws of Nature"submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Season 3 - Promo Stillssubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Season 3 - Promo Stillssubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Season 3 - Promo Stillssubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Phil Coulson - Season 3submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Postersubmitted by iceprincess7492
Happy Birthday Coulson!submitted by iceprincess7492
Iron Man 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Iron Man 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Season 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director Philsubmitted by iceprincess7492
☆ Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
☆ Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Director!Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Skye ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Fitzsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Fitzsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Fitzsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and May ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Wardsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Simmons ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson and Simmons ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulson фото on Fanpop
Coulson in "Failed Experiments"submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in "The Singularity"submitted by iceprincess7492
Happy Birthday Phil Coulson!submitted by iceprincess7492
Iron Man 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Iron Man 2submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
☆ Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
☆ Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson ☆submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Kevlarsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Kevlarsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Kevlarsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Kevlarsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Kevlarsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Kevlarsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson Цитатыsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson Цитатыsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Ultimate Spidermansubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Ultimate Spidermansubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Ultimate Spidermansubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Ultimate Spidermansubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson in Ultimate Spidermansubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson - Avengersubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson - Behind The Scenessubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson - Behind The Scenessubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson - Behind The Scenessubmitted by iceprincess7492
Coulson - Behind The Scenessubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson ★submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulson ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulson ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulson ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulson ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Аниме Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ★submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ★submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ★submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ★submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulson ★submitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson and Agent холм, хиллsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson and Agent холм, хиллsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulson - Promo Picssubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson Funko Action Figuresubmitted by iceprincess7492
Its All Connectedsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Coulson ღsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
A.C ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
A.C ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
A.C ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
A.C ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
A.C ♥submitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492
Agent Phil Coulsonsubmitted by iceprincess7492