Фондакаро, Фил. Фил фондакаро

Фондакаро, Фил — Википедия

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Фил Фондакаро
англ. Phil Fondacaro
Phil Fondacaro 1.jpg

8 ноября 1958(1958-11-08) (59 лет)

Новый Орлеан, Луизиана, США

СШАFlag of the United States.svg




ID 0284496

Commons-logo.svg Фил Фондакаро на Викискладе

Фил Фондакаро (англ. Phil Fondacaro; род. 8 ноября 1958 в Новом Орлеане) — американский актёр кино и телевидения. Всегда играет специфические роли, поскольку его рост составляет всего 107 сантиметров.


Фил Фондакаро родился 8 ноября 1958 года в Новом Орлеане. Страдает карликовостью. Начал актёрскую карьеру в возрасте 23 лет. Жена — Елена Бертаньолли, которая является менеджером другого актёра-карлика — Верна Тройера. Брат — Сэл Фондакаро (род. 1952), также актёр, хотя и гораздо менее известный, чем Фил[1].

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Фондакаро, Фил — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Фил Фондакаро (англ. Phil Fondacaro; род. 8 ноября 1958 в Новом Орлеане) — американский актёр кино и телевидения. Всегда играет специфические роли, поскольку его рост составляет всего 107 сантиметров.


Фил Фондакаро родился 8 ноября 1958 года в Новом Орлеане. Страдает карликовостью. Начал актёрскую карьеру в возрасте 23 лет. Жена — Елена Бертаньолли, которая является менеджером другого актёра-карлика — Верна Тройера. Брат — Сэл Фондакаро (род. 1952), также актёр, хотя и гораздо менее известный, чем Фил[1].

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  1. ↑ [www.imdb.com/name/nm0284497/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1 Сэл Фондакаро]  (англ.) на сайте imdb.com


Отрывок, характеризующий Фондакаро, Фил

Все замолчали: на этот факт, относившийся лично до государя, нельзя было заявлять никакого суждения. – Дерзки! – сказал князь. – Знаете Метивье? Я нынче выгнал его от себя. Он здесь был, пустили ко мне, как я ни просил никого не пускать, – сказал князь, сердито взглянув на дочь. И он рассказал весь свой разговор с французским доктором и причины, почему он убедился, что Метивье шпион. Хотя причины эти были очень недостаточны и не ясны, никто не возражал. За жарким подали шампанское. Гости встали с своих мест, поздравляя старого князя. Княжна Марья тоже подошла к нему. Он взглянул на нее холодным, злым взглядом и подставил ей сморщенную, выбритую щеку. Всё выражение его лица говорило ей, что утренний разговор им не забыт, что решенье его осталось в прежней силе, и что только благодаря присутствию гостей он не говорит ей этого теперь. Когда вышли в гостиную к кофе, старики сели вместе. Князь Николай Андреич более оживился и высказал свой образ мыслей насчет предстоящей войны. Он сказал, что войны наши с Бонапартом до тех пор будут несчастливы, пока мы будем искать союзов с немцами и будем соваться в европейские дела, в которые нас втянул Тильзитский мир. Нам ни за Австрию, ни против Австрии не надо было воевать. Наша политика вся на востоке, а в отношении Бонапарта одно – вооружение на границе и твердость в политике, и никогда он не посмеет переступить русскую границу, как в седьмом году. – И где нам, князь, воевать с французами! – сказал граф Ростопчин. – Разве мы против наших учителей и богов можем ополчиться? Посмотрите на нашу молодежь, посмотрите на наших барынь. Наши боги – французы, наше царство небесное – Париж. Он стал говорить громче, очевидно для того, чтобы его слышали все. – Костюмы французские, мысли французские, чувства французские! Вы вот Метивье в зашей выгнали, потому что он француз и негодяй, а наши барыни за ним ползком ползают. Вчера я на вечере был, так из пяти барынь три католички и, по разрешенью папы, в воскресенье по канве шьют. А сами чуть не голые сидят, как вывески торговых бань, с позволенья сказать. Эх, поглядишь на нашу молодежь, князь, взял бы старую дубину Петра Великого из кунсткамеры, да по русски бы обломал бока, вся бы дурь соскочила! Все замолчали. Старый князь с улыбкой на лице смотрел на Ростопчина и одобрительно покачивал головой. – Ну, прощайте, ваше сиятельство, не хворайте, – сказал Ростопчин, с свойственными ему быстрыми движениями поднимаясь и протягивая руку князю. – Прощай, голубчик, – гусли, всегда заслушаюсь его! – сказал старый князь, удерживая его за руку и подставляя ему для поцелуя щеку. С Ростопчиным поднялись и другие.

Княжна Марья, сидя в гостиной и слушая эти толки и пересуды стариков, ничего не понимала из того, что она слышала; она думала только о том, не замечают ли все гости враждебных отношений ее отца к ней. Она даже не заметила особенного внимания и любезностей, которые ей во всё время этого обеда оказывал Друбецкой, уже третий раз бывший в их доме. Княжна Марья с рассеянным, вопросительным взглядом обратилась к Пьеру, который последний из гостей, с шляпой в руке и с улыбкой на лице, подошел к ней после того, как князь вышел, и они одни оставались в гостиной. – Можно еще посидеть? – сказал он, своим толстым телом валясь в кресло подле княжны Марьи. – Ах да, – сказала она. «Вы ничего не заметили?» сказал ее взгляд. Пьер находился в приятном, после обеденном состоянии духа. Он глядел перед собою и тихо улыбался. – Давно вы знаете этого молодого человека, княжна? – сказал он. – Какого? – Друбецкого? – Нет, недавно… – Что он вам нравится? – Да, он приятный молодой человек… Отчего вы меня это спрашиваете? – сказала княжна Марья, продолжая думать о своем утреннем разговоре с отцом. – Оттого, что я сделал наблюдение, – молодой человек обыкновенно из Петербурга приезжает в Москву в отпуск только с целью жениться на богатой невесте. – Вы сделали это наблюденье! – сказала княжна Марья. – Да, – продолжал Пьер с улыбкой, – и этот молодой человек теперь себя так держит, что, где есть богатые невесты, – там и он. Я как по книге читаю в нем. Он теперь в нерешительности, кого ему атаковать: вас или mademoiselle Жюли Карагин. Il est tres assidu aupres d'elle. [Он очень к ней внимателен.] – Он ездит к ним? – Да, очень часто. И знаете вы новую манеру ухаживать? – с веселой улыбкой сказал Пьер, видимо находясь в том веселом духе добродушной насмешки, за который он так часто в дневнике упрекал себя. – Нет, – сказала княжна Марья. – Теперь чтобы понравиться московским девицам – il faut etre melancolique. Et il est tres melancolique aupres de m lle Карагин, [надо быть меланхоличным. И он очень меланхоличен с m elle Карагин,] – сказал Пьер.


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    Фондакаро, Фил - WikiVisually

    1. Новый Орлеан – New Orleans is a major United States port and the largest city and metropolitan area in the state of Louisiana. The population of the city was 343,829 as of the 2010 U. S. Census, the New Orleans metropolitan area had a population of 1,167,764 in 2010 and was the 46th largest in the United States. The New Orleans–Metairie–Bogalusa Combined Statistical Area, a trading area, had a 2010 population of 1,452,502. The city is named after the Duke of Orleans, who reigned as Regent for Louis XV from 1715 to 1723, as it was established by French colonists and it is well known for its distinct French and Spanish Creole architecture, as well as its cross-cultural and multilingual heritage. New Orleans is also famous for its cuisine, music, and its celebrations and festivals, most notably Mardi Gras. The city is referred to as the most unique in the United States. New Orleans is located in southeastern Louisiana, straddling the Mississippi River, the city and Orleans Parish are coterminous. The city and parish are bounded by the parishes of St. Tammany to the north, St. Bernard to the east, Plaquemines to the south, and Jefferson to the south and west. Lake Pontchartrain, part of which is included in the city limits, lies to the north, before Hurricane Katrina, Orleans Parish was the most populous parish in Louisiana. As of 2015, it ranks third in population, trailing neighboring Jefferson Parish, La Nouvelle-Orléans was founded May 7,1718, by the French Mississippi Company, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville, on land inhabited by the Chitimacha. It was named for Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, who was Regent of the Kingdom of France at the time and his title came from the French city of Orléans. The French colony was ceded to the Spanish Empire in the Treaty of Paris, during the American Revolutionary War, New Orleans was an important port for smuggling aid to the rebels, transporting military equipment and supplies up the Mississippi River. Bernardo de Gálvez y Madrid, Count of Gálvez successfully launched a campaign against the British from the city in 1779. New Orleans remained under Spanish control until 1803, when it reverted briefly to French oversight, nearly all of the surviving 18th-century architecture of the Vieux Carré dates from the Spanish period, the most notable exception being the Old Ursuline Convent. Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States in the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, thereafter, the city grew rapidly with influxes of Americans, French, Creoles, and Africans. Later immigrants were Irish, Germans, and Italians, Major commodity crops of sugar and cotton were cultivated with slave labor on large plantations outside the city. The Haitian Revolution ended in 1804 and established the republic in the Western Hemisphere. It had occurred several years in what was then the French colony of Saint-Domingue

    2. Луизиана – Louisiana is a state located in the southern region of the United States. Louisiana is the 31st most extensive and the 25th most populous of the 50 United States and its capital is Baton Rouge and largest city is New Orleans. Louisiana is the state in the U. S. with political subdivisions termed parishes. The largest parish by population is East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana is bordered by Arkansas to the north, Mississippi to the east, Texas to the west, and the Gulf of Mexico to the south. Much of the lands were formed from sediment washed down the Mississippi River, leaving enormous deltas and vast areas of coastal marsh. These contain a rich southern biota, typical examples include birds such as ibis, there are also many species of tree frogs, and fish such as sturgeon and paddlefish. In more elevated areas, fire is a process in the landscape. These support a large number of plant species, including many species of orchids. Louisiana has more Native American tribes than any other state, including four that are federally recognized, ten that are state recognized. Before the American purchase of the territory in 1803, the current Louisiana State had been both a French colony and for a period, a Spanish one. In addition, colonists imported numerous African people as slaves in the 18th century, many came from peoples of the same region of West Africa, thus concentrating their culture. Louisiana was named after Louis XIV, King of France from 1643 to 1715, when René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle claimed the territory drained by the Mississippi River for France, he named it La Louisiane. The suffix -ana is a Latin suffix that can refer to information relating to an individual, subject. Thus, roughly, Louis + ana carries the idea of related to Louis, the Gulf of Mexico did not exist 250 million years ago when there was but one supercontinent, Pangea. As Pangea split apart, the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico opened, Louisiana slowly developed, over millions of years, from water into land, and from north to south. The oldest rocks are exposed in the north, in such as the Kisatchie National Forest. The oldest rocks date back to the early Tertiary Era, some 60 million years ago, the history of the formation of these rocks can be found in D. Spearings Roadside Geology of Louisiana. The sediments were carried north to south by the Mississippi River

    3. Соединённые Штаты Америки – Forty-eight of the fifty states and the federal district are contiguous and located in North America between Canada and Mexico. The state of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada to the east, the state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U. S. territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean, the geography, climate and wildlife of the country are extremely diverse. At 3.8 million square miles and with over 324 million people, the United States is the worlds third- or fourth-largest country by area, third-largest by land area. It is one of the worlds most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, paleo-Indians migrated from Asia to the North American mainland at least 15,000 years ago. European colonization began in the 16th century, the United States emerged from 13 British colonies along the East Coast. Numerous disputes between Great Britain and the following the Seven Years War led to the American Revolution. On July 4,1776, during the course of the American Revolutionary War, the war ended in 1783 with recognition of the independence of the United States by Great Britain, representing the first successful war of independence against a European power. The current constitution was adopted in 1788, after the Articles of Confederation, the first ten amendments, collectively named the Bill of Rights, were ratified in 1791 and designed to guarantee many fundamental civil liberties. During the second half of the 19th century, the American Civil War led to the end of slavery in the country. By the end of century, the United States extended into the Pacific Ocean. The Spanish–American War and World War I confirmed the status as a global military power. The end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 left the United States as the sole superpower. The U. S. is a member of the United Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Organization of American States. The United States is a developed country, with the worlds largest economy by nominal GDP. It ranks highly in several measures of performance, including average wage, human development, per capita GDP. While the U. S. economy is considered post-industrial, characterized by the dominance of services and knowledge economy, the United States is a prominent political and cultural force internationally, and a leader in scientific research and technological innovations. In 1507, the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller produced a map on which he named the lands of the Western Hemisphere America after the Italian explorer and cartographer Amerigo Vespucci

    4. Актёр – An actor is a person who portrays a character in a performance. Simplistically speaking, the person denominated actor or actress is someone beautiful who plays important characters, the actor performs in the flesh in the traditional medium of the theatre, or in modern mediums such as film, radio, and television. The analogous Greek term is ὑποκριτής, literally one who answers, the actors interpretation of their role pertains to the role played, whether based on a real person or fictional character. Interpretation occurs even when the actor is playing themselves, as in forms of experimental performance art, or, more commonly, to act, is to create. Formerly, in societies, only men could become actors. When used for the stage, women played the roles of prepubescent boys. The etymology is a derivation from actor with ess added. However, when referring to more than one performer, of both sexes, actor is preferred as a term for male performers. Actor is also used before the name of a performer as a gender-specific term. Within the profession, the re-adoption of the term dates to the 1950–1960s. As Whoopi Goldberg put it in an interview with the paper, Im an actor – I can play anything. The U. K. performers union Equity has no policy on the use of actor or actress, an Equity spokesperson said that the union does not believe that there is a consensus on the matter and stated that the. subject divides the profession. In 2009, the Los Angeles Times stated that Actress remains the term used in major acting awards given to female recipients. However, player remains in use in the theatre, often incorporated into the name of a group or company, such as the American Players. Also, actors in improvisational theatre may be referred to as players, prior to Thespis act, Grecian stories were only expressed in song, dance, and in third person narrative. In honor of Thespis, actors are commonly called Thespians, the exclusively male actors in the theatre of ancient Greece performed in three types of drama, tragedy, comedy, and the satyr play. Western theatre developed and expanded considerably under the Romans, as the Western Roman Empire fell into decay through the 4th and 5th centuries, the seat of Roman power shifted to Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire. Records show that mime, pantomime, scenes or recitations from tragedies and comedies, dances, from the 5th century, Western Europe was plunged into a period of general disorder

    5. Internet Movie Database – In 1998 it became a subsidiary of Amazon Inc, who were then able to use it as an advertising resource for selling DVDs and videotapes. As of January 2017, IMDb has approximately 4.1 million titles and 7.7 million personalities in its database, the site enables registered users to submit new material and edits to existing entries. Although all data is checked before going live, the system has open to abuse. The site also featured message boards which stimulate regular debates and dialogue among authenticated users, IMDb shutdown the message boards permanently on February 20,2017. Anyone with a connection can read the movie and talent pages of IMDb. A registration process is however, to contribute info to the site. A registered user chooses a name for themselves, and is given a profile page. These badges range from total contributions made, to independent categories such as photos, trivia, bios, if a registered user or visitor happens to be in the entertainment industry, and has an IMDb page, that user/visitor can add photos to that page by enrolling in IMDbPRO. Actors, crew, and industry executives can post their own resume and this fee enrolls them in a membership called IMDbPro. PRO can be accessed by anyone willing to pay the fee, which is $19.99 USD per month, or if paid annually, $149.99, which comes to approximately $12.50 per month USD. Membership enables a user to access the rank order of each industry personality, as well as agent contact information for any actor, producer, director etc. that has an IMDb page. Enrolling in PRO for industry personnel, enables those members the ability to upload a head shot to open their page, as well as the ability to upload hundreds of photos to accompany their page. Anyone can register as a user, and contribute to the site as well as enjoy its content, however those users enrolled in PRO have greater access and privileges. IMDb originated with a Usenet posting by British film fan and computer programmer Col Needham entitled Those Eyes, others with similar interests soon responded with additions or different lists of their own. Needham subsequently started an Actors List, while Dave Knight began a Directors List, and Andy Krieg took over THE LIST from Hank Driskill, which would later be renamed the Actress List. Both lists had been restricted to people who were alive and working, the goal of the participants now was to make the lists as inclusive as possible. By late 1990, the lists included almost 10,000 movies and television series correlated with actors and actresses appearing therein. On October 17,1990, Needham developed and posted a collection of Unix shell scripts which could be used to search the four lists, at the time, it was known as the rec. arts. movies movie database

    6. Тройер, Верн – Verne Troyer is an American actor, stunt actor and comedian. He is notable for his height of 2 ft 8 in and he is best known for playing Mini-Me in the Austin Powers series of comedy films. Since 2014, Troyer has appeared as The Boss in adverts for gambling site Bgo. com, Troyer was born in Sturgis, Michigan, the son of Susan, a factory worker, and Reuben Troyer, a repair technician. He has two siblings, Davon and Deborah, during his childhood, Troyer spent much time visiting Amish relatives in Centreville, Michigan, and graduated from Centreville High School in 1987. Troyer was initially raised Amish but his parents left the faith when he was a child and he has stated that his parents never treated me any different than my other average sized siblings. I used to have to carry wood, feed the cows and pigs and he reportedly married model Genevieve Gallen on February 22,2004, but filed for an annulment the next day. Though the couples engagement was reported, Troyer and his attorney deny that the two ever had any formal wedding plans, saying that Gallen had fabricated the story for her own financial gain. On June 25,2008, a home video leaked of Troyer and his former live-in girlfriend, Ranae Shrider. The video, filmed in 2008 in Beverly Hills, California, kevin Blatt, the man responsible for brokering the deal for Paris Hiltons sex tape in 2003, tried to sell the video. Troyer, through his attorney, Ed McPherson, sued TMZ, Blatt. In May 2015, Verne, his girlfriend Brittney Powell, and her son Tyson appeared on Celebrity Wife Swap, where she switched places with Hines Wards wife. In the USA The Surreal Life, Fame Games Welcome to Sweden Celebrity Juice – himself The Smoking Gun Presents, Worlds Dumbest. com TV Campaign – Beat the Boss Whose Line Is It Anyway. – himself Through the Keyhole – himself Celebrity Wife Swap – himself Verne Troyer at the Internet Movie Database Verne Troyer interview, Movieset. com, accessed August 12,2015

    7. Именно так зло и приходит – The novels title was taken directly from a line in Act IV of William Shakespeares Macbeth, By the pricking of my thumbs / Something wicked this way comes. The film stars Jason Robards, Jonathan Pryce, Diane Ladd and it was shot in Vermont and at the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California. When the ominous Mr. Dark, the Illustrated Man, rides into town on a midnight, setting up his massive carnival in a matter of seconds. With his collection of freaks and oddities, Dark intends to control of the town. In 1977, Bradbury sold the rights to Something Wicked This Way Comes to Paramount Pictures. He and director Jack Clayton, who Bradbury had previously worked with on Moby Dick, the movie was intended to be produced by Kirk Douglas Bryna Productions, and Douglas was to have starred in it. However, production never began and the film was put into turnaround. At various times, Sam Peckinpah and Steven Spielberg expressed interest in making the film, at this time Walt Disney Pictures was concentrating on films with more mature themes in an attempt to break free from their stereotype as an animation and family film studio on April 1,1983. The studio sought Bradburys input on selecting a cast and director, in a 1981 issue of Cinefantastique, Bradbury stated that his top choices to play Mr. Dark were Peter OToole and Christopher Lee. However, Disney decided to go with an unknown actor instead in order to keep the budget down. Bradbury and Clayton fell out during production after Bradbury discovered that Clayton had hired writer John Mortimer to do a revision of Bradburys screenplay at the studios insistence. Although he had blonde hair at the time, and co-star Vidal Petersen had dark hair, Carsons hair was dyed jet black, a soundtrack album of Delerues unused score was released by Intrada Records in 2015. The deleted scene was previewed in detail in the May–June 1983 issue of Twilight Zone Magazine, but in the event, another cut sequence depicted Mr. New special effects sequences were shot and a hastily composed new score by composer James Horner replaced Delerues original music. Initial test screenings did not fare well with audiences, and Disney re-commissioned Bradbury to write an opening narration sequence, Bradbury referred to the films final cut as not a great film, no, but a decently nice one. The film grossed $8.4 million at the box office against its $19 million budget. Bradburys prose is a hybrid of craftsmanship and lyricism. He builds his stories and novels in a way, with strong plotting, but his sentences owe more to Thomas Wolfe than to the pulp tradition. Janet Maslin of the New York Times said the film begins on such an overworked Norman Rockwell note that there seems little chance that anything exciting or unexpected will happen, so its a happy surprise when the film

    8. Звёздные войны. Эпизод VI: Возвращение джедая – This list of characters from the Star Wars franchise contains only those which are considered part of the official Star Wars canon. C-3PO and R2-D2 are the characters to appear in all films to date

    9. Эвоки (Звёздные войны) – Ewoks are a fictional race of small, mammaloid bipeds that appear in the Star Wars universe. They are hunter-gatherers resembling teddy bears that inhabit the forest moon of Endor and live in various arboreal huts, george Lucas created the Ewoks because he wanted Return of the Jedi to feature a tribe of some primitive creatures that bring down the technological Empire. He had originally intended the scenes to be set on the Wookiee home planet, but as the series evolved. Lucas designed a new species instead, and as Wookiees were tall, in addition, he also based the Ewoks defeat of the Galactic Empire on the actions of the Viet Cong guerrillas who menaced American soldiers during the Vietnam War. Using the image of the Griffon Bruxellois, a dog breed which Lucas owned, as presented in the films, Ewoks appear as stocky, sapient bipeds which stand about one meter tall. They have flat faces, are covered in fur, and have large jewel-like eyes. Both their fur and their eyes come in a variety of tones, primarily brown, white, grey, gold. Ewoks live high among the trees of their home moons forests, an Ewokese language was created for the films by Return of the Jedi’s sound designer Ben Burtt. On the commentary track for the DVD of Return of the Jedi, Burtt explains that the language is based on Kalmyk, Burtt heard the language in a documentary and liked its sound, which seems very alien to Western ears. After some research, he identified an 80-year-old Kalmyk refugee, for the scene in which C-3PO speaks Ewokese, actor Anthony Daniels worked with Burtt and invented words, based on the Kalmyk recordings. The Ewoks are involved in a portion of the final installment in Lucas Films Star Wars trilogy. When the Empire begins operations on the moon of Endor, prior to the events depicted in the film, it ignores the primitive Ewoks. Princess Leia, part of a Rebel strike team, then befriends the Ewok Wicket W. Warrick, a scout from Bright Tree village, the Ewoks capture Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke and the droids in a trap, and take them back to the village. As Ewoks are a race that considers humanoid flesh a delicacy, they prepare fires in anticipation of eating Han, Luke. The Ewoks worship the protocol droid C-3PO, thinking he is a god due to his shininess and gold coverings, C-3PO tells the Council of Elders the adventures of the rebel heroes Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo. The Ewoks accept the Rebels into their tribe and ally themselves to their cause and they then help in the ground battle to destroy the Imperial shield generator on the forest floor, and their primitive weapons fell the Imperial Stormtroopers and the AT-ST walkers of the Empire. This assistance paves the way to victory at the Battle of Endor, later that night, the Ewoks are shown holding a huge celebration. Ewoks speak their language of Ewokese, a fictional language created for the film

    10. Тролль (фильм) – The film was shot in Italy in the Stabilimenti Cinematografici Pontini studios near Rome. It is unrelated to Troll 2 and Troll 3, the film begins with the Potter family moving into a new apartment complex in San Francisco. While unpacking, their young daughter Wendy is attacked by a little creature. Using a magic crystal green ring, he captures Wendy and possesses her form, after meeting the other eccentric tenants, the family notices Wendys unusual behavior, but they attribute her behavior to the stress of the move. When he tells her of the strange goings-on, she reveals to him her real profession, Harry asks Eunice to teach him magic, but she says that there isnt time. She does instruct him as to the ways of a magical world, and tells him of her long history stretching back to a time when she. At that time the world was divided between fairies, which includes trolls, and humans, the realms were equal and independent of each other, however, Torok and some of the fairies challenged this balance resulting in a great war in which the humans prevailed. Torok was transformed into a troll as punishment, Eunice stands guard, as she has for centuries now in her apartment, waiting patiently for Torok to challenge the realms again, which is happening now. When every apartment is transformed the world of the fairies will burst forth into the world of the humans, Harry is told by Eunice that Torok can be stopped by plunging a magic staff into the heart of Toroks world. Eunice tells Harry the heart of the new world will be a large. Armed with magic staffs which shoot bolts of energy, Eunice and Harry launch an attempt to stop Toroks hostile takeover of the world. Eunice is attacked by Torok and turned into a tree stump, suddenly, Toroks great bat monster attacks and disables Harry. When it goes after Wendy, Torok kills it, destroying his carefully constructed fairy realm, as the magic world collapses around them, Harry and his family are given a chance to escape, leaving just as the police arrive. Eunice is restored to normal as well as she bids Harry farewell, as the police investigate the house, one of them is drawn into a remaining fragment of the alternate fairy world. Toroks arm rises into view, preparing to use his ring on the cop, the door closes while the film goes black. Troll opened in the U. S. on January 19,1986 on 959 screens, the film placed ninth on the box office charts for opening weekend. The film received reviews by critics, including by Janet Maslin, Patricia Smith. Rex Reed had a few comments, but was predominantly negative


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