Рыба люциан: описание, особенности. Филе люциана

Рыба люциан: описание, особенности

Если вы хотите узнать, что за рыба люциан, наша статья поможет найти ответы на все вопросы. Рассмотрим особенности семейства, ареал обитания и промысловое значение этих рыб, использование в кулинарии и некоторые другие интересные факты. А иллюстрации помогут получить наиболее полное представление о люцианах.

рыба люциан


Семейство люциановых относится к отряду окунеобразных класса лучепёрых рыб. Оно включает несколько родов. Наша статья посвящена роду люцианов, насчитывающему несколько десятков видов. Этих рыб еще иногда называют лутьянами, луцианами или снэпперами.


Рыба люциан относится к пелагическим. Она обитает в теплых тропических и субтропических водах Тихого, Атлантического и Индийского океанов.

Все виды люцианов являются хищниками, многие при этом еще и обладают крупными размерами. В природной среде обитания они не испытывают недостатка в еде, а естественных врагов у них немного.

Внешние особенности

Рыба люциан, фото которой вы видите на следующей иллюстрации, обладает относительно крупной головой и развитой пастью. Ротовой аппарат большинства видов предназначен для охоты в толще воды. Поднять корм со дна рыба тоже может, а вот поверхностное питание ей не под силу.

рыба люциан фото

Для многих представителей рода характерен крупный размер. К примеру, серый люциан может достигать одного метра в длину. Но некоторые виды невелики, размером не более ладони.

Промысловое значение

Красный люциан – рыба, наиболее интересующая рыболовные компании. Ее мясо считается деликатесом. Охоту на эту стайную рыбу траловые суда ведут в глубоководных водоемах со скалисто-каменистым дном. Одна особь по весу может достигать 20 кг, но в сети попадают и менее крупные экземпляры, по 30-40 см. На прилавках российских магазинов можно найти именно такого красного люциана (которого иногда называют просто морским окунем).

красный люциан рыба

Большое промысловое значение имеет и серый люциан, обладающий примерно такими же габаритами.

Кулинарная ценность

Рыба люциан ценится профессиональными поварами за отменный выразительный вкус, нежную текстуру, приятный светлый оттенок мяса и относительно небольшое количество костей. Чешуя рыбы среднего размера, но снимается легко.

Некоторые народы считают блюда из этой рыбы национальными и предлагают их туристам в местных ресторанах.

Поскольку тело рыбы сплющено с боков, многие повара предпочитают не срезать с тушки филе, а запекать целиком. Крупная треугольная голова с мощной челюстью и большими глазами выглядит довольно декоративно, поэтому нередко ее не отрезают от тушки. Но в продаже можно найти и филе, которое срезано с самых крупных представителей вида.

рыба люциан

Опасный токсин

Рыба люциан, в мясе которой присутствует цигуатоксин, может вызвать сильное отравление.

В представителях одного и того же вида этот токсин может присутствовать или отсутствовать. Установить его наличие можно только с помощью санитарного исследования.

Некоторые виды люцианов и вовсе непригодны в пищу. Но они представляют интерес в качестве объекта спортивной рыбалки. По условиям этого вида спорта, весь улов после завершения соревнований отпускают обратно в воду. На прилавки магазинов он не попадает. А вот браконьерская деятельность может привести к появлению опасного товара на витрине. Поэтому стоит доверять только магазинам с безукоризненной репутацией, которые проводят необходимые анализы товара и имеют соответствующие сертификаты. Не стесняйтесь перед покупкой спросить о документах. Обращайте внимание и на внешний вид: чешуя качественной рыбы обладает металлическим блеском, живот светлее спинки, хвост и плавники целые, а глаза ясные, без помутнений.


Филе сквернокровного луциана - Задание


Комментарий от blah38722

"Mammoth shark off the coast of Azshara" refers to Maws from the AQ scepter quest.


Комментарий от Khevyn

Or, even possibly the aptly named "Mammoth Shark".


Комментарий от Khevyn

Or, even possibly the aptly-named "Mammoth Shark", who happens to swim off the coast of Azshara.


Комментарий от Trinsa

For those of you who got this quest and immediately thought "But there's nowhere to fish in SMV and Hellfire" here's a tip.

There is only one area to fish in in Hellfire, right around the elite in the Pools of Vision. The area you can fish in in SMV is over by Coilskar Cistern.

I chose Hellfire because it's closer, and got it on my second cast.

Комментарий от Illidana

They can be fished in Shadowmoon Village at the Magma Fileds, 31. 37 to be exact. Got mine after 6 casts.However, I couldn't land a cast at any of the water pools at Coilskar Cistern due to water being too shallow.

Комментарий от Illidana

They can be fished in Shadowmoon Village at the Magma Fields, 31. 37 to be exact. Got mine after 6 casts.However, I couldn't land a cast at any of the water pools at Coilskar Cistern due to water being too shallow.

Комментарий от WARBOSZ

I got my Monstrous Felblood Snapper, which is what you need to complete this quest, by the bridge over the river that separates Terrokar and Shadowmoon Valley - 72.50 on the Terrokar map. Three casts at lvl375 fishing with no buffs using Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000.

Комментарий от danyesis

Dude was right just wanted to say I got it on my first cast 45

Комментарий от Jakdark

This quest is pretty easy really, you just need a fishing skill of about 300 a fishing pole that gives some added skill and bait that buffs it up another 100. I went to Shadowmoon and went to the lava pit next to Shadowmoon Village. Only took me three casts till i got the big fish, but who knows i might have gotten lucky.

Комментарий от baller1308

With 225 skill, +25 fishing pole, and +100 lure, I still had a few fish get away. But, overall it took me about 10 casts to get the quest item in the Pools of Aggonar.

Комментарий от Pink

Went to pools of Aggonar, 375 fishing.got it on my FIRST catch! :)

Комментарий от Amina

I've been fishing for over 30 minutes. in HFP fishing skill 375 with the +100 lure... gotten over 80 fish....and no *!@#ing monstrous fish.... WTF

Комментарий от Ulukai

The hellfire fishing spot is the Pools of Aggonar, around Arazzius the Cruel, tis the only one i could find, probably handy for those without 375 fishing.

Комментарий от svstoned

Finally got one from the Pools of Agganor after 19 succesfull casts.

All the fish i was able to catch got hooked right at the end of the casting bar timer.Each fish that didn't got hooked at the end got away, and after a whole lot of 'got away's' i finally managed to catch one after all

Комментарий от Trenna

From reading some of the other comments i went to Shadowmoon Valley and got this fish on the first cast at the Magma Fields. Coords were 30. 40

Комментарий от adesinacat

If you fish at the Pools of Agganor, don't fish at the southern most part. The fel reavers path right there, and if you don't mount up right away, you get stepped on. happened to me, then my hubby. LMAO

Комментарий от frijolechulo

Solo'd as a 70 Warlock

Комментарий от defektunge

Easiest spot is pools of Aggonar in Hellfire Peninsula. The skill requirement is fairly low, and if you fish in the water behind the altar-like structure you don't have to worry about any mobs or patrols.

Комментарий от xxdrew

I caught this sucker on my second cast in The Fetid Pool in shadowmoon valley. The coords are around 26,40, most people will remember it from the quest to get the fel reaver power core. It is directly east of Legion Hold, in the O and the L of the words on the map.

In and out job.

Комментарий от mbsouth

I got one on my third cast..right next to Shadowmoon Village. In my reward bag was 7 gold, 5 sharpened fishing hooks and an "Ancient Coin" that vendored for 25 gold. Wow!

Комментарий от Yume

All daily fishing quests are just luck-based.

Did this one today on my main and got the snapper at second cast in Pools of Agonnar, tried on my alt, same spot just half-hour later and took me 59 casts to get the quest fish.

So just keep trying and be patient.

Комментарий от Ubermateo

Went to Hellfire at 40,30 with 375 fishig and +100 lure. First cast got it!

Комментарий от Grobyc

I personally (and it seems to be others that I have witnessed as well) have horrible luck at the Pools in Hellfire. I've tried their 2 times on my alt and have had horrible luck both times. One of the two times while fishing there, I started at the same time another person did and we finally caught the fish after about the 30th try. However, on my other toon, I've caught it on my first attempt 3 times in a row when I did it at SMV. Perhaps it is completely luck based, I would need a bigger sample to be sure but it seems like I'm going to be heading to SMV from now on.

Комментарий от Sarakpyrstrm

Horde Easy Mode: 1. Fly to Shadowmoon Village2. Fish lava creeks running through village.3.4. Profit

375 fishing skill, +20 pole, no lures

Комментарий от Keydar

You don't actually have to fish far into SMV. I fished mine on the SMV side of the river just south-east of bonechewer ruins in Terokkar. The east side of the river is considered SMV, the west side Terokkar.

Комментарий от barfoos

Well, you don't have to travel that far into Shadowmoon Valley.

As the quest text states that the Monstrous Felblood Snapper "only thrives in the waters of Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley", you only have to be in one of these zones to catch this little fellow.

Therefore you can journey straight from Old Man Barlo in Terokkar Forrest to Shadowmoon Valley and stop at the river south-east of the Bonechewer Ruins.Make sure you are standing on the eastern riverbank in Shadowmoon Valley , cast your line and make a good catch!

It is also a quite peaceful area with only some neutral Shadowwing Owls around.

From my experience it is not necessary to use a lure, I usually get them within 1-4 casts, although this statement is based on a 375+35 fishing skill, you may use a lure to prevent escaping fishes.

Комментарий от apes2gogo

I went straight to shadow moon valley from Shattrath. You can fish in any of the little lava creeks in SMV. I fished right outside the horde place where there are a ton of elementals. Got it on the second cast! ^^

Комментарий от Fotter

Well, I have yet to find Somewhere that lists the bare minimum skill level needed to cast.I arrived with all sorts of lures, but low-and-behold I cast in shadowmoon vally with my measley fishing skill of 289 +25 pole. So, I'm going to assume the minimum level is the same as zangermarsh, 305.Can anyone confirm this?

Комментарий от dreamwatch

got it after secand cast in honor hold in shadowmoon vally

Комментарий от dreamwatch

got it after secand cast in legion hold in shadowmoon vally

Комментарий от EdWIse

Some people may answer "It's completely random" but I strongly suggest the fetid pool for this quest.

I went to the pools of aggonar three times (17th, 35th, 9th catch was the lucky one) and to the fetid pool 4 times (1st, 1st, 1st, 2nd catch). I was either extremely lucky or the fetid pool is simply the better spot.

Also, you can stand at the middle of the wrecked fel reaver without aggroing anything and your bait will always land in fishable waters.

Комментарий от emero510

Shadowmoon and Terrokar border 1st cast

Комментарий от falloraan

I had no luck catching it by the bridge on the border of Terokkar and SMV (where you are standing in SMV but traveling into the edge of the water put you into Terokkar). I traveled a little further south at 70.2, 54.5 and caught it on the 4th cast. So, just be sure that the water you are casting into is part of SMV.

Комментарий от Yertias

219skill + 100 got it on first cast..very easy quest :)

Комментарий от Kaindi2005

Just got the quest flew to SMV and Tek caught it o the 2nd. cast. 375 + 125 lure

Комментарий от eDGe87

Went from 339 fishing to 344 before getting my quest item, fishing in the pools of aggonar. Guess I was just unlucky. So around 45-50 casts.

Комментарий от ravenfail

16.29 smv 3rd cast

update: quest was offered 3x in 5 days fished same spot 3rd cast or less each time

Комментарий от flamero

Not sure but I think this isn't doable without a lure. Spent half an hour fishing without a lure (+400 skill without lure) in Pools of Aggonar, roughly 100 casts. After attaching a lure it took me a couple of minutes to catch one. Could be random, but I'm definitely going to use lure straight away next time.

Комментарий от manko

After patch 3.0.2, the drop rate on nearly all of the fishing dailies is 100%. You also get a regular fish in addition to the quest fish. It does not apply to Shrimpin' Ain't Easy, but is true of the 4 single-fish quests.

Комментарий от Kalx

Since the lauch of 3.0.2 I haven't seen this quest from Barlo, and I'm doing the daily everyday...

Комментарий от djsixpack14

+1. Same thing on my server.

Комментарий от zzmorriss

this quest does not spawn anymore for our fishing daily since the release of 3.0.2

I've done the fishing daily every single day since achievement patch was released and HAVE NOT gotten it when before the patch I got it a couple times a week.

Комментарий от zzmorriss

this quest does not spawn anymore for the fishing daily as of patch 3.0.2 - I have done my fishing dailies every single day since achievement patch and have not gotten it once - When before the achievement patch I got it on an average of 2 times a week.

Achievement is broken

Комментарий от vaad

Despite the comments of some of the above, I can confirm that this quest is offered since 3.0.2

I've done it twice, at least. I got the achievement for all five tonight.

Комментарий от Partymonster

this quest does appear, i just learned fishing was gonna farm to 375-450 then i saw that the fishing dailiy quest http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=11665, read it say dont need a certain fishing level so i went to go grab this and i got this one instead which requires 280 fishing and im only at 10 D:

Комментарий от Nessabean

I swear they're making outland things easier...I got this fish on the first cast out in hellfire.While I was doing that, my friend went fishing for some crabs to level cooking-- and got Mr Pinchy on her 3rd cast... she wasnt even trying for him!

Комментарий от Nessabean

I swear they're making outland things easier...I got this fish on the first cast out in hellfire.While I was doing that, my friend went fishing for some crabs to level cooking-- and got Mr Pinchy on her 3rd cast... she wasnt even trying for him!

Комментарий от Doranos

I believe this may be bugged for Hellfire fishing in 3.0.8. I just tried this and after about 7-8 casts in Hellfire I still had no Monstrous Fellblood. I was however able to get the Monstrous Felblood on the first cast in Shadowmoon Valley.

Комментарий от Etreum

Patch 3.0.8

Pools of Aggonnar

450+30 Fishing Skill

Caught on my 21st cast

Комментарий от geordiesi

I may be way off the mark here but it looks like after 3.0.8 probably to get over the old crafty exploitation (maybe code was too complex to undo so adding more might have been easier) While you are on a fishing daily you can only catch the daily fish in the area for that daily. It is no longer 1st cast either. At first you may get nothing atall and blame addons but when you get the daily fish and hand in you can fish as normal. I found this out in Terokar while doing the Blackfin Darter daily, I thought it was addons but had a conversation with another player with different addons, both of us disabling and re enabling but having the same problem. We both had however caught the daily fish after a few casts and returned to getting nothing. He then tried fishing out of Terokar with success and I handed in the daily and was able to fish as normal. It dawned on me that this may be to override this exploitation as it was linked to daily for the zone ie a city for crocs.

Edit, looks like they now gone back to how these were in the beginning now after the 2 problematic changes.

Комментарий от Darchangell

Patch 3.0.8

It seems they have removed the instant fish catching for the daily fishing quests.

Yesterday it took 17 casts in Stormwind to catch the Croc.

Today, 32 for the Monstrous Felblood Snapper.

I wonder if it is a bug or intended?

Комментарий от hawksclone

67 casts in SMV, same spot i've always fished in for this quest. no luck. opened a GM ticket, still no reply. i give up, tickets are a waste of time

Комментарий от EvilSmoo

Got mine, like 3 casts in. Flew to SMV, the little pool with all the gooey horror things up near the Legion hold.

Комментарий от Shielda

got the quest fish out of hellfire with no problems after 6 casts. they might have fixed the problem

Комментарий от Globox

My friend caught it with 247 fishing skill today. Perhaps with 3.1.0 you can do these dailies with any fishing skill?I don't know what the minimum requirement is in Hellfire though.

Комментарий от Googla

shadowmoon valley map

Комментарий от blanks

Shadow Moon Valley 33,30 in the lava pits, 14 tries.

Комментарий от neiljwd

I just got it with a measly fishing skill of 178, From the green lava river near coilscar in SMV.Screenie as evidence:http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/5078/wowscrnshot050809164514.jpg

Комментарий от cyranowyb

give me that quest! kind like 8 days....... how many days shall I wait to get this quest............

Комментарий от Gratzner

The Magma Fields in Shadowmoon Valley works perfectly. Got it on my second throw.

Комментарий от hillbilly999

june-23-09. anyone else not able to fish in the "green lava pools" in shadowmoon? i keep getting "your cast did not land in fishable water".

Комментарий от ERPedersen1

Behind the platue or what it's callled 2.nd cast

Комментарий от Mayx

Was fishing for 10 min, noticed I was in a raid.. Left the raid, fished some more.. No luck, went in and out of the Pools of Aggonar, and got it on 3rd Catch :)

Might of been luck, I dunno.

Комментарий от kasuturo

Just fished it with a Strong Fishing Pole (Fishing +5), a Aquadynamic Fish Atractor (Fishing +100) and Fishing Skill 206 on my 5th try.

Комментарий от dopfeldecker

For those of you who's still doing this quest, possibly for Old Man Barlowned (which is a requirement for Accomplished Angler):

This is the closest place to fish for the Monstrous Felblood Snapper.

Комментарий от Neverknow

I somehow fish up a fair amount of Barbed Gil Trouts while fishing for the Monstrous Felbood Snapper.

As to why these fish do thrive in these waters where any other dies, Gnomish investigations have yet to find out.

Комментарий от Evariste93

Did it on 274 fishing skill, no lure, got it on my 4th or 5th try, every other time i got normal sized snappers.Luckily, i skilled up to 275 when i caught him :D

Комментарий от olegovich

You don't need to go that far, you can also get it in small lake 26.40 & 31.39 Shadowmoon Valley

Комментарий от Jothpo

Confirmed: fishing skill has nothing to do with it unless your skill is to low to fish in the area. i just did this daily on 2 different toons.One being a 64 rogue who caught the fish on 3 catch and a 80 pally using a +100 lure who didn't get it till 7th cast.Its safe so say that no matter what you will get him on your 1-10th catch ;)

Комментарий от Kold77

I got mine 7th cast in the Pools of Aggonar in Northern Hellfire. (39.5, 43.3)

Комментарий от Thora3967

47, 22 SMV in the lava, got it on first cast

Комментарий от prohan

Caught on 6th try in the pools of Aggonar, Hellfire.

Комментарий от Juppah3

When fishing around the Pools of Aggonar be wary of the Blistering Rot mobs: they use the same-named ability, blistering rot, that causes periodic damage over a period of 60 second. This entails a full minute not being able to fish!

Комментарий от Abysi

Confirming The Fetid Pool. I got mine on 4th attempt. Easily fished.

Комментарий от Psycic101

When fishing for this monstrosity, you will catch up ALOT of Felblood Snappers... perseverance will bring you the Monstrous Felblood Snapper... Just keep fishing.

Комментарий от Antss

Is this quest bugged? I did fish 2 hours with 300+skill. catched like 150 fishes and still didnt get this daily done? I were fishing at The Fetid Pool,pools of aggonar and magma field.

Комментарий от tarbuh

I did this quest for the first time today. Pools of Aggonar, took about 15-20 pulls. It's not bugged, maybe just bad luck?

Комментарий от TheAbhorsen

I did this 10 minutes ago.My fishing skill is 200.

Комментарий от Hiei182

1min ago2nd cast525+30(pole) skill

Комментарий от Stormend

Cast total: 126 barbed gill trout5 felblood snapperand 1 Monstrous Felblood Snapper

Комментарий от CataBreed

Wow, it took me a good 21 casts in Hells fire. Pools of Aggonar! Correct. Finally! Enjoy!

Комментарий от thetaxzombie

Don't know if anyone else has had trouble getting this quest or not so I'll share my experience.

I took the dailies for over six weeks and this quest never came up. Also during that time I hadn't done but one quest at the stronghold. I finally ran the table of the Shadowmoon Valley quests while working on Loremaster. The next day I finally got Felblood Filet.

Also since then it has popped up three times in the last 8 days.

Makes one wonder.

Комментарий от windjammer72

another good place in Shadowmoon Valley is the pool at 46,61. At max fishing it took 2 casts.

Комментарий от windjammer72

Confirmed after patch 4.2:

42,31 in Hellfire Penn, Pools of Aggonar. The puddles of green goo. I got it on my 24th cast at fishing 425 + 75 fishing lure.

And for those of you going for Cooking Achievements, keep the 'Felblood Snapper' and 'Barbed Gill Trout' for future recipies!

Комментарий от devinator

I spent ten minutes fishing at 40.2, 35.0, with no luck (it's actually not too shallow). Then I went to 42.9, 30.2 and caught it on the second cast. I was 154 + 85 fishing.

Комментарий от Cattleac

I tried doing this on an alt today and found out that too low fishing skill does indeed not work.

50 casts, 0 felblood snappers.Fishing skill: 63

Комментарий от RzaBees

You can fish anywhere in Shadowmoon Valley. I just fish up on 4th cast, spot 63 / 41 .

Комментарий от rhka

Outland, Shadowmoon Valley, tloc: 25,40 (or any pool), or Hellfire Peninsula, Pools of Aggonar, tloc: 39,42.

Комментарий от digginginahole

While completing this quest i used http://www.simplywarcraft.com/2010/05/felblood-fillet.html it helped me lots

Комментарий от foxishlove

caught it at the big pool in the magma fields, with lure on my first cast :)

Комментарий от spaik3

You can fish it in any lava pool in shadowmoon valey . I took it on 2nd skill cast with 452 fishing skill .

Комментарий от TynanAD

Caught it in Pools of Aggonar in Hellfire on first cast.

Комментарий от izplaywow

5.2 update: Fishing skill 283, (no lure, no fishing pole) in Shadowmoon Valley 30.4; 37.8

Комментарий от timzfish

Completed on lvl 84 alt, 125-156 fishing, with strong iron pole and +75 baubles. Caught much grey junk but got in the end after 30 casts or so. About an hour spent.

Комментарий от Averdynne

Backtracking this quest so fully levelled. 6 casts @ 26/42 "The Fetid Pool"

Комментарий от Tarenmere

Received on 3rd cast.Hellfire Peninsula 42,32 'Pools of Aggonar'

Комментарий от Soybeanie

Don't fish in Hellfire. It's a pile of crap. 40+ casts at 735 skill and finally got it, as opposed to always under 10 in Shadowmoon Valley. First and LAST time I fish here.

Комментарий от Farstucker

5.4.8 7/9/2014 Shadowmoon Valley south of Shadowmoon Village flight point at a small green lake called The Fetid Pool (this will show up on your mini map title bar)coords: 26, 40

5 casts Felblood Fillet6th and final cast Monstrous Felblood Snapper

maxed out 600 fishing. no lure, no rod, no buffs.

Комментарий от Kyld

I got mine after 2nd cast in Hellfire Peninsula, Pools of Aggonar: 42.62 30.68.

Комментарий от Chamblee

Confirmed - I got mine after 6th cast in Hellfire Peninsula, Pools of Aggonar: 42 30 or closeby.

Комментарий от dcmix5

Well, I am at 115 casts as of right now between the Pools of Aggonar and now Shadowmoon Valley and no quest fish...this is ridiculous!

edit: Got it on my 120 skill up at Magma Fields in SMV...I started the quest with level 1 fishing: http://i.imgur.com/SVgBRAx.jpg

Комментарий от Aisolon


stellt euch hier hin: 68.72 / 56.05und werft die Angel aus ... & 700er skill

5 trys ... good luck ;)

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Felblood Fillet >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKTuEh8hGXo

Комментарий от cryptid420

7th cast at Pools of Aggonar at Altar of Aggonar using Графитовая удочка Сета with a Огромный поплавок. No lures used. Fishing skill of 332

Комментарий от blurfox

Got the fish at my third cast, in SMV coords 60.51, 42.29 (zone name is Ruins of Baa'ri), fishing skill 800


Рыба люциан: описание, особенности

Новости и общество 26 февраля 2017

Если вы хотите узнать, что за рыба люциан, наша статья поможет найти ответы на все вопросы. Рассмотрим особенности семейства, ареал обитания и промысловое значение этих рыб, использование в кулинарии и некоторые другие интересные факты. А иллюстрации помогут получить наиболее полное представление о люцианах.

рыба люциан


Семейство люциановых относится к отряду окунеобразных класса лучепёрых рыб. Оно включает несколько родов. Наша статья посвящена роду люцианов, насчитывающему несколько десятков видов. Этих рыб еще иногда называют лутьянами, луцианами или снэпперами.


Рыба люциан относится к пелагическим. Она обитает в теплых тропических и субтропических водах Тихого, Атлантического и Индийского океанов.

Все виды люцианов являются хищниками, многие при этом еще и обладают крупными размерами. В природной среде обитания они не испытывают недостатка в еде, а естественных врагов у них немного.

Видео по теме

Внешние особенности

Рыба люциан, фото которой вы видите на следующей иллюстрации, обладает относительно крупной головой и развитой пастью. Ротовой аппарат большинства видов предназначен для охоты в толще воды. Поднять корм со дна рыба тоже может, а вот поверхностное питание ей не под силу.

рыба люциан фото

Для многих представителей рода характерен крупный размер. К примеру, серый люциан может достигать одного метра в длину. Но некоторые виды невелики, размером не более ладони.

Промысловое значение

Красный люциан – рыба, наиболее интересующая рыболовные компании. Ее мясо считается деликатесом. Охоту на эту стайную рыбу траловые суда ведут в глубоководных водоемах со скалисто-каменистым дном. Одна особь по весу может достигать 20 кг, но в сети попадают и менее крупные экземпляры, по 30-40 см. На прилавках российских магазинов можно найти именно такого красного люциана (которого иногда называют просто морским окунем).

красный люциан рыба

Большое промысловое значение имеет и серый люциан, обладающий примерно такими же габаритами.

Кулинарная ценность

Рыба люциан ценится профессиональными поварами за отменный выразительный вкус, нежную текстуру, приятный светлый оттенок мяса и относительно небольшое количество костей. Чешуя рыбы среднего размера, но снимается легко.

Некоторые народы считают блюда из этой рыбы национальными и предлагают их туристам в местных ресторанах.

Поскольку тело рыбы сплющено с боков, многие повара предпочитают не срезать с тушки филе, а запекать целиком. Крупная треугольная голова с мощной челюстью и большими глазами выглядит довольно декоративно, поэтому нередко ее не отрезают от тушки. Но в продаже можно найти и филе, которое срезано с самых крупных представителей вида.

рыба люциан

Опасный токсин

Рыба люциан, в мясе которой присутствует цигуатоксин, может вызвать сильное отравление.

В представителях одного и того же вида этот токсин может присутствовать или отсутствовать. Установить его наличие можно только с помощью санитарного исследования.

Некоторые виды люцианов и вовсе непригодны в пищу. Но они представляют интерес в качестве объекта спортивной рыбалки. По условиям этого вида спорта, весь улов после завершения соревнований отпускают обратно в воду. На прилавки магазинов он не попадает. А вот браконьерская деятельность может привести к появлению опасного товара на витрине. Поэтому стоит доверять только магазинам с безукоризненной репутацией, которые проводят необходимые анализы товара и имеют соответствующие сертификаты. Не стесняйтесь перед покупкой спросить о документах. Обращайте внимание и на внешний вид: чешуя качественной рыбы обладает металлическим блеском, живот светлее спинки, хвост и плавники целые, а глаза ясные, без помутнений.

Источник: fb.ru


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